Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Stellar Steal (Kohl's)

First off I would like to apologize for the extended period of inactivity!! :( It is not ok on my part and I am sorry for that! Summer job, Internet problems, etc.

Any way hope all of my fabulous readers are staying fabulous and having fantastic summer vacations!!

Today I would like to discuss MEN! Great Men's clothing can be the easiest to find or the hardest to find and I am here to make it easier for you guys!

Other than home goods, accessories, shoes, I have never really had any luck shopping in Kohl's Department store. But, I had to stop in and discovered a huge sale.

I took my younger, 6'2'' handsome brother on a shopping spree for a new wardrobe, and lets just say we hit the JACKPOT!!!!

Although he looks good in anything, these clothes really were fabulous!! Sonoma had really great light-weight chinos and jeans, Shorts and button downs.


3 pairs of shorts, 2 jeans, 6 button downs, 3 chinos, 4 t-shirts, 1 pair of dress pants, 2 polos and we were good to go.  ALL FOR UNDER $400!!!!! With the sale and coupons you can't beat it!

This is for my bargain shoppers! My label junkies should check this stuff out too!!


Stay sexy,


Monday, July 18, 2011


hello my fashionistas it has been way too long i know some of you have been itching for a new post and i send my deepest  apologies i will not let the summer seperate us you all can expect a post later this evening

stay sexy,
